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Future-Oriented Innovations

Future-oriented innovations encompass innovative products, firms and technologies that improve the lives of people. They can improve the efficiency of sectors like healthcare and space technology or improve a company’s competitiveness. Making them requires an enormous amount of effort from diverse high tech technique stakeholders which can lead to a paradigm shift as well as an epistemic view that is significant. It is vital that the top management and employees of the company are open to taking note of trends over time and listening to them.

Fear of the unknown, reluctance towards change and a tendency to focus only on the short-term gain are the most common obstacles that block future-oriented innovations. In an organizational setting, these challenges can be overcome by encouraging the development mindset, fostering the culture of innovation and creating a sense of the future that employees can achieve. This is commonly described as phronesis which means that people need a reason to make difficult decisions in their work and could result in greater retention rates of employees for organizations that have a forward-looking mindset.

There is growing evidence that innovation ecosystems can benefit from a more thorough understanding of future possibilities. This could be accomplished by including foresight in innovation ecosystems by extending the ties between research and strategy building processes and enhancing the general awareness of the future by incorporating different perspectives into dialogue. The foresight model provides a methodological framework that can respond to these demands in a manner that is both efficient and adaptable. This article outlines this new approach to developing future-oriented innovations.

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