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Streamlining Document Organization

Every business or organization generates large volumes of paperwork that require careful management to ensure the tracking of version, secure storage and rapid retrieval. A better organization of documents makes it easier to locate and manage documents, which facilitates the process of making decisions and problem-solving, as well as reduces costs associated with manual data entry and processing.

To streamline your documentation workflows, start by creating a document process model. This will provide you with the steps of your workflow and who will be involved at each stage, and what documents you will need to complete, approve, or send out. You can then utilize a low-code workflow application such as frevvo to automate your process by uploading and digitizing documents. Once your documents are digital they can be easily shared between teams, and users can sign them with their e-signatures. This means that there is no need to print and faxing, thereby reducing time and increases collaboration.

Moreover, a streamlined document workflow can help cut down your paper usage by up to 70%. It can also aid in increasing efficiency by cutting down on the number of steps and handoffs in your workflow, resulting in more efficient project timeliness. Document automation also helps reduce human error by removing repetitive manual tasks. It also helps reduce the possibility of losing or misplacing lost documents.

Achieving a better workflow for document processing can also create a more unified and data-driven environment. This helps improve communication between team members and allows them to make informed choices using accurate insights. It also assists in adhering to regulations, enhance compliance and track changes over time in records.

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